I wanted to write more about the Dawanda meeting. First of all, I think it was a really great idea to bring all these creative minds together (and out in the open out of their creating hideaways) and I hope this will be the first of many such initiatives. I met some great really great ladies there who I hope I will see again. I think one aspect of blogging that was really stressed is the fact that when you start to blog you enter a very supportive and helpful community but only if you partake and contribute to the community. I guess basically what you sow, you reap.I wish we could have gotten a list of all those who participated along with the links to their blogs or homepages, because of course there were so many people who I didn't get a chance to talk to. The really sweet Diana of lilienstern was one of the few bloggers there I knew. She has a really nice post on the meeting in German on her blog today that you might want to check out.
Another aspect of blogging that was stressed was the marketing potential for your products at a relatively low cost through blogging, you do have the possibility to reach a large community of people who may not only share similiar interests but also be interested in your products. Both Holly and Nicole gave very good talks and the whole Dawanda team proved themselves to be very competent and attentive hosts!
Project#5 of 30 projects in 30 Days: Pillowtalk
Hy Linda !!!
I agree with you in all topics about Dawandaevent on Saturday !!!
I also really enjoy it and lern very much from both bloggerexpertise and was so nice to meet kreativ people !!!!
I had a short talk with you outside!!! Remember !!!! When i saw that you had a card on your hand form volksfaden i thougt oohh my good i have to know her, and sorry i do it whithout shy!!!
I was the blackwoman, who told you about Atelier xt, then i know your shop because she recomended it!!!
I love Graca Paz handcrafts and i also love all brillant fabrics you offer in your onlineshop !!!
And today wenn i've read hollysblog i thougt about you !!!
Holly show us the dawandaevents photo and video and what's gon on in Hannover in the fabricsmarkt(i didnt know there is one in hannover!!)
By the way, she also told us how she miss the great Amy Buttler and other designsfabric in this market, and make suggestion that it was a big thing if someone could offer such fabrics there !!!
Ok, maybe you would say hannoveer is so far !!!!
But in my research through hollysblog i discorver that there is also one markt like this not in Berlin but in Potsdam on 2th November !!!
I know it must be really a hard job to transport the most beautyfull fabrics and alone ist really not possible !!!
If you have already know about this ok or dont have interest in it forget all what i say !! But if you have interest and maybe want to try to offer your fabrics in hannover in the next marktday in November(the exactly day you can look at hollyblog or ask her because she wants to go there!!!!
Sorry, Linda if i was to direct but i till thing it really could be a great thing for you, of course if it is possiblie!!!
Have a nice day
PS.:sorry fo my broke english!!!
Yes, it was a great event!!!
I didn't know you were there - would have loved to talk with you :-)
best regards,
Hi Eliana,
of course I remember you, it was great talking to you on Saturday.. yeah I did read about this on Holly's blog and then I saw that it will be in Potsdam, the problem is I want to go and look at fabric!!! Not quite sure what to do, have to give this some thought..thanks for dropping by and thanks for the tip!
Hi Nadja,
I did want to talk to you but you were pretty busy setting up and then doing your great workshop..next time..or I'll stop by at your drucksalon...
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