First of all I wanted to tell you all to get over to true up as soon as possible and leave a comment in Kim's under Giveaway post! I am a regular reader and a sponsor of True up,(if you are a fabric fanatic, this blog is a must)and Kim is celebrating her first six month anniversary and to celebrate she has organized a fab giveaway. All you have to do is leave a comment about what you would like to see featured on true up. We decided that the Volksfaden giveaway makes more sense ecologically to confine it to European entries, it makes more sense to me to not send fabric that is coming over by boat from the USA back to the US by plane! So all you Europeans out there go over and enter and one of you may win a 50€ gift certificate from Volksfaden or a certificate from one of her other sponsors! You may,of course enter both giveaways!
Alot of new fabric and some old faves have arrived to Volksfaden over the past week. The long awaited Alexander Henry shipment with "Frida's Garden" great new pear prints form Robert Kaufman, organic cotton prints from Westfalenstoffe, Organic Solids from Pondicherry, India and some incredibly vivacious corduroys from Stenzo.
So if you have a minute, drop by!
Thanks for telling about the True up-blog! It's really amazing.
And I love the new fabrics - especially the one with the pears.
...wunderschöner Blog ich schau öfters mal vorbei ;) lg Tanja
Thanks for stopping by ladies! I agree, Suse, True up is amazing!!!
Erst jetzt habe ich diesen schönen Blog entdeckt!
Wobei, wahrscheinlich ist es für mich sehr gefährlich hier öfter reinzugucken, ich könnte meinem Kaufrausch wieder verfallen... so wie bei den schönen Newslettern... ;o)
Doch ich glaube ich werde es trotzdem wagen!
Ich werde gerne wieder kommen!
Lieben Gruß
ach nein Myriam ich möchte Sie nicht im Gefahr bringen!!!!!
Lieben Grüß
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