
Thursday, 27 August 2009

great tutorials

pet pouch

revoluzzza monster

revoluzzza tree

before tote trick...

and after tote trick

Here are some great tutorials that I have found recently online:

Betz White has a wonderful tutorial on turning a cheapo cotton tote bag into something much prettier...super idea, go here to see one of Betz's tote tricks.

The second and third tutorials I found on the revoluzzza blog, a very sweet and scary softie....go here to see this very well made tutorial....and how to sew your own tree can be found here.

And last but definitely not least...the fourth tutorial is something for pet owners...a handy little pet pouch seen via whipup....go here to see the tutorial.


  1. Hallo...! Dass Volksfaden in Berlin ansässig ist, wusste ich bis eben nicht - und auch nicht, dass es ein Blog gibt. Ich habe in meinem (neben einer langen internationalen) eine kleine Berliner Linkliste - die ich gleich erweitern werden...

  2. Dear ger
    thank you for stopping by, you have a lovely blog and I have just added you to the volksfaden bloglist.....


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