Pictured above are fabrics from Ingrid Slyder's fabric collection "Robotics" for Moda. Ingrid is a best-selling designer and award-winning author/illustrator.She's been drawing and sculpting since she was a child. Her children's picture book, "The Fabulous Flying Fandinis," received the top prize from the association for children's librarians and teachers, and was a selection of the Junior Library Guild. She has now done three collections for Moda and I am sure many more will be coming.
Hier sind neue Stoffe von Ingrid Slyders "Robotics" Kollektion für Moda. Ingrid ist sowohl eine Textildesignerin als auch ein Kinderbuchautorin. Ihre Kinderbuch "The Flying Fandinis"wurde mit mehrere Preise ausgezeichnet. "Robotics" ist ihre dritte Stoffkollektion für Moda.
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