I recently discovered the quilted textile constructions of Terry Jarrard Dimond and I think her work is absolutely stunning! I love her use of color and her bold, simple graphic shapes. I also just found out that the quilt exhibit curated by Nancy Crow "Color Improvisations" will be returning to Karlsruhe, Germany May 10,2011-June 12,2011 and then on to Münich in September. Terry Jarrard Dimond is an exhibiting artist in this exhibit along with several other contemporary quilt artists. If you are a fan of contemporary quilts I am sure that this is an exhibit that is not to be missed and I am definitely going to try and see it.
Neulich habe ich die Quilts von Terry Jarrard Dimond entdeckt und ich bin von ihre Arbeit total begeistert! Ich liebe ihre einfache grafische Kompositionen und ihre starke Farbkombinationen. Ich habe auch gerade erfahren dass sie teilnimmt an eine Austellung die man in Karlsruhe ab Mai und in München ab September besichtigen kann, "Color Improvisations". Ab nach Karlsruhe!
Super Tipp Laura, werde sicher in September hingehen!
These are fabulous. Thought it might possibly be coming our way - maybe Vienna, but sadly not.
Oww...I have done this before: Calling you Laura instead of Linda.
I'm always mixing these two names up. Sorry Linda :)
Guuuuuuuten Moooorgen Berlin !!!
Wunderschön, hat was von Macke das feine Stöffchen, toll.
Lieben gruß aus dem Münsterland von Matta
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